Saturday, April 07, 2007

When the news makes the news

I had to do a double take when I signed online and saw the CNN acronym in the text of the top story on my homepage. Rarely does a news organization make news on its own website. I actually surfed to another website before I realized something strange had happened. I clicked back to and read the story; it was pretty shocking.

Although this story didn't actually involve a news personality, the shooting happened at CNN Center in Atlanta, which has heavy security throughout the building. I was shocked to think something like this can happen anywhere at anytime. Although it's not exactly the same scenario, it got me thinking about how dangerous the news business can be.

I actually thought about one story in particular. The station in Texas where I interned experienced a tragedy about a year before I was there.

A photograher died istantly while setting up for a live shot.
"The photographer of station KBTX was feeding video from his truck to the station. A reporter and two interns were in the van as Moore lifted the mast, and the truck became charged. "

I was a journalism student with one of the interns that was at the live shot when this happened- needless to say she did not end up going into the business.

While this incident was somewhat of a freak accident, many other injuries and deaths that happen to journalists occur when they are out on stories that they already know are dangerous. Every day thousands of journalists risk their lives to cover the war in Iraq and many other stories in war-torn and otherwise unsafe areas. We, as the viewing public, should appreciate the efforts of these brave individuals who take these risks so that we can have first-hand acocunts of some of the most important stories happening in our world.

When I think about this, I think immediately of Bob Woodruff. What a terrible incident but what an amazing and miraculous recovery. To think of what he has been through, I don't know if I could take the same risk he, and other journalists, have. Although I have such an immense passion for journalism, I'm not sure if I would risk my life for the sake of a story. And I don't blame other journalists who feel the same way. But I am so very thankful for those brave journalists who are willing to put their life on the line so that these important stories can be told.


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